Our Role in the Education Industry
Education plays a major role in the development of any economy. Whether formal or informal, education is important in raising productivity and creativity, as well as stimulate entrepreneurial and technological breakthroughs. It is thus imperative for the education industry to constantly adapt and invent in order to cater and respond to the changing needs of the industry.
Gestaldt's approach lies in constant collaboration with all stakeholders within and outside the Education Industry to formulate, implement and evaluate strategies aimed at creating and maintaining the highest level of education. We do this whilst spending time in researching new technologies and approaches to make quality education accessible to all.
What we do in the Education Industry
We work with early childhood, primary, and secondary school stakeholders and institutions to create strategies to improve learning whilst working on improving learning outcomes.
We partner with the education sector to make education more inclusive, through exploring innovative ways to create efficient, high quality life long learning experiences.
We partner with higher education stakeholders and institutions to revolutionise education by creating and implementing programmes aimed at closing the skills gap and creating equal access to opportunities.
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* We take our clients' confidentiality seriously. In performing consulting services under contractual agreements in various industries with different clients, our consultants are constantly exposed to and are required to use certain confidential information. We will not use, directly or indirectly, such confidential information for the benefit of any person, entity, or organisation other than the company, or disclose such confidential information without the discloser’s written consent.
Our Role in the Education Industry
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